Advanced Prices by Order AMS

Description: Class I Prices for each order are calculated by adding the appropriate class I differential (determined by each order's physical county base location) to the monthly Base Class I Price using data from the Advanced Prices and Pricing Factors report. The Advanced Prices and Pricing Factors are released on or before 3:00 P.M. EST, no later than the 23rd of the preceding month to which it applies. If the release date does not fall on the 23rd, the most current release preceding the 23rd will be used in the price calculation. Once monthly average prices have been computed, they are not revised. Report Synopsis: For milk associated with Federal Milk Marketing Orders, product-price formulas are used to set minimum prices as reported in the Announcement of Advanced Prices and Pricing Factors publication each month. Weighted-average product prices used for these formulas are computed from prices and volumes reported for the most recent two-week period in the National Dairy Products Sales Report (NDPSR). For more information on product price formulas and a schedule of release dates, please visit the Dairy Mandatory Market Reporting page. Additional information on price formulas can be found on the Price Formulas page.
Division: Dairy Program

Frequency of Release:Daily


Feb 1, 2025
Contact office name:Agricultural Marketing Service